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EMF “Masters in Practice” Tanárok Jegyzéke

Tatyana Pyatakova

Helyszín Russia - Krasnoyarsk Moscow
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Tanári szint I-XII.Fázis
Kezelő szintek I-XIII.Fázis
  • Telefon: 926 063 63 59
  • Mobil: 983 287 31 30
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Profil I learnt about the Technique in 2005. I was reading the seventh book by Kryon and felt resonance with the Practice he was writing about… It was “Balancing Technique of Electromagnetic Fields” - EMF Balancing Technique.

This technique gives everyone a feeling of wholeness and allows gaining inner power that is very important for all of us!

I have been in practice since 2006. I have walked a long path, starting from a student to the Teacher of Teachers. The most important thing for me is heavenly thoughts, a possibility to change life, to implement so called “accelerator” into new events…

This Practice has a beginning, but no end… The Practice gives a chance to carry Light by your own example! You don’t need to prove anything, just practice Phases and the wisdom of the body will give a person what is necessary and appropriate for him/her in present time.

If you don’t know what to do, make a step!...

With Love in Light, Tatiana!

It is a pleasure to me to invite you to the sessions of EMF Balancing Technique® Phases I-IV, Phases V-VIII, Phases IX-XII, and Phase XIII.

Everybody is welcome to the training of Phases I-VIII, and also those who are willing to become teachers of Phases I-IV EMF Balancing Technique®.

It is possible to arrange travelling workshops and trainings in any city or town.