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EMF Supervisory Teacher Directory

Susan Stirling

Location United States - North Carolina - Bakersville
Teacher Level Phases I-IV
Practitioner Level Phases I-XII
  • LatticeLogic® for Children Facilitator
  • Tel: 860 885 4460
Scheduled Classes None.
Profile I received Phases I-XII trainings all originally through Peggy Phoenix Dubro [I-IV, 1989, Norwich, CT; V-VIII, 2005 and IX-XII, 2008: Sedona]. I became an Accredited Practitioner I-IV in 2006 and completed supervisory teacher training in December 2008 with Cora Hayward, Norwich, CT.

I have grown astronomically since my commitment to practicing the EMF Technique. My connection to the Cosmic Lattice brings deeper clarity and knowing every time I work with it. As a practitioner, I wish to facilitate this discovery and experience of personal connection and abilities to consciously affect the Life within and around us. As an EMF teacher, my desire is to increase the number of available practitioners of this life enhancing technique.

I bring to this work over 15 years of experience, a sincere love of the technique and belief of its value for humanity - especially energy workers - especially in these times of great change. I am a natural teacher. My strengths include: patience, organization and attention to detail, flexibility and openness.

I am always available to respond to questions.

Clients have said:

"After every session, I feel grounded, more sure of myself and very motivated!" Ellen, Gales Ferry, CT

"Susan's gentle touch and soothing voice have been instrumental in reducing my stress and lowering my blood pressure. Her work amplified my creativity and increased my capacity for inner growth. I wish everyone had someone like her in their lives!" Anne Marie, Beverly, MA