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EMF Supervisory Teacher Directory

Barbara Duck Chong

Location Australia - New South Wales - Sydney - Berowra Heights
Teacher Level Phases I-IV
Practitioner Level Phases I-VIII
  • Tel: 02 9456 3547
Scheduled Classes None.
Profile Our mission, as Accredited Practitioners, Masters in Practice, and Supervisory teachers who have shared this beautiful, empowering, energy system work since 1998, is to assist you to remember - and become, who you really are - but may have forgotten.

EMF has helped us find our own unique gifts to contribute to the world, which is to facilitate your enrichment, and empower you to co-create your most enlightened life, bringing your gifts forward for yourself and the world as well.

Our training and experience enables us to facilitate the activation of your latent talents and abilities so you may move into the strength and power of who you really are. This is always done according to your inner wisdom.

Teaching as a team enables us to share the benefit of our combined experience, knowledge, and skill, as practitioners and teachers.

Our commitment is that you will become a skilled practitioner, inspired with vision and clarity. Our classes are fun and humorous. We have been trained to pass on to you the empowering and beautiful energy alignments associated with EMF Balancing Technique.

Beside scheduled classes, we travel and teach in other locations, including the option for one-on-one learning, to fit in with personal circumstances.