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EMF Supervisory Teacher Directory

Rachel Oldroyd

Location United Kingdom - Devon - Newton Abbot
Teacher Level Phases I-IV
Practitioner Level Phases I-VIII
  • Mobile: 07939 154033
Scheduled Classes None.
Profile I have been practicing the EMF Balancing Technique Phases I-IV since 2001, Phases V-VIII since 2003, and teaching Phases I-IV since 2002. The technique has profoundly strengthened and supported my personal transformation in all aspects of my life.

I offer home visits in the Torbay area, and teach in Glastonbury. My classes are small and informal: students are encouraged to learn in a safe, patient, compassionate environment. I will also travel to teach if you would like to host a class in your area.

My schedule is flexible to accommodate the needs of both students and clients, and I am always available to give ongoing support. I am at your service! It is an honour and privilege to share the joy and beauty of this work with others.

Feedback from clients and students:

It has completely changed my life, helping me to stand in my own power and face the difficult decisions I had to make in my life with courage and new-found wisdom…to live in the Now and let the future take care of itself

People who saw me afterwards said I was physically glowing.

I feel more present in myself than I have for some time, and have abruptly stopped being the wet blanket that everyone walked over before.