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EMF Supervisory Teacher Directory

Natividad Delson

Location United States - Nevada - Reno
Online Teacher Level Phases I-IV
Online Practitioner Level Phases I-IV
Teacher Level Phases I-IV
Practitioner Level Phases I-VIII
  • Tel (Temporary - Philippines & Whatsapp): +63 927 351 4925
Skype nd4skype2
Facebook abundant.lifespring
Scheduled Classes None.
Profile Born into the indigenous Kankanaey tribe of the Mountain Province of the Philippines, the death of both parents and youngest sister, in a car accident, led me to question life and understand my own purpose in this lifetime. My journey has shown me that my calling is to be of service and to share the tools and understandings that have helped me in my own journey towards wholeness.

As humans, we are spiritual beings in a physical body and I’ve come to understand the importance of living both in balance. For me, the EMFBT supports that natural infinity flow of the intangible into the tangible, from formless into form and vice versa in a gentle yet profound process deeply honoring each person’s inner wisdom.

I resonate very strongly with the beauty, grace, light and truth found in this work, and also with the ethics that EEI chooses to bring this work forth. As I evolve and expand my services, I feel that this modality is very foundational and at the same time very important in the integration process with all that I work with as a certified Spiritual Companion/Consultant, Shiatsu Practitioner, TRE (Tension/Trauma) Releasing Exercises Provider, Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator, etc….

As a teacher, I hold a synergistic* space and envision my students as being fully empowered practitioners and teachers. I offer an open-minded and heart-filled environment that allows the exploration of science and many other possibilities which in turn allows me to be a student also.

My experience with this modality can be summarized by one of my students:

"..Other people have reported back to me what some of their experiences have been after having received the work and I’m humbled to say that lives are changing... all for the better. I can’t thank you enough for the fabulous instruction you gave me. I think of you and extend my gratitude for this incredible opportunity each day!..."
- Lisa Shurz, Jerome, AZ

I love to travel so I’m very open to an invitation to do sessions or teach in your area as well.

Synchronistic Synergy, Blessings, and Unconditional Love and Joy:)

*Synergy = The interaction or cooperation of two or more individuals or organizations to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.