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EMF Online Supervisory Teacher Directory


Lieu India - Mumbai
Online Teacher Level Phases I-IV
Phases V-VIII
Niveau Enseignant
des enseignants
Phases I-IV
Niveau Enseignant Phases I-XII
  • Facilitateur LatticeLogic® pour les Organisations
  • Instructeur du Yoga pour Le Lattice™
  • EMF Express Activator
Classes prévues Aucun.
Profil Clemens-Nadja continued his studies in the Netherlands. Starting his career as a landscaper, he soon continued his studies in sales and business. He started his own import/export company and within a few years it was flourishing. "After 6 years, I realized I did not like what I did and did not do what I liked, so I sold my business and started to receive training in personal development, hypnotherapy, reflexology, aura reading, Karuna Reiki® etc., which soon led into starting my own practice."

Being on the path of personal development for many lifetimes, Clemens-Nadja moved from the Netherlands to France in 199. He became aware of the EMF Balancing Technique in 1999 at a Kryon seminar in France. Along with his partner, Clemens-Nadja registered for both the practitioner and teacher training in 2000. They soon started to teach and to organize events for Peggy in France. In 2004 they did a co-teaching with Peggy. Clemens-Nadja has been involved in translation of various EMF programs and managing the national website from 2000 till the end of 2005. He is now an EMF Supervisory Teacher and accredited practitioner of Phases I-XII, in the Netherlands, India, Australia, UK and France.

"EMF has literally changed my life. I can hardly imagine how my life was before I learned the EMF Balancing Technique. Ever since, I have had the opportunity to teach and give sessions to many people. What a joy to see the life changing experiences of many. My ambition is to keep on making this world a better place to live and the EMF Balancing Technique is just a wonderful tool to do that!"