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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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EMF “Masters in Practice” Tanárok Jegyzéke

M. Mimma

Helyszín Japan - Kantō - Tokyo
Online tanári szint I-IV.Fázis
Online kezelő szintek I-IV.Fázis
Tanári szint I-VIII.Fázis
Kezelő szintek I-XII.Fázis
  • The Symbol Facilitator
  • A LatticeLogic® (Háló logikája) szervezeti vezetõk részére
  • UCL® Tai Ji Tanár
  • Yoga for The Lattice™ Instructor
  • Mobil: 090 3690 3951
  • International: +81 90 3690 3951
Skype SlowingDownAging or
Képzési Foglalkozások Időrendje Nincs.
Profil English text follows Japanese







- Sh & E ナダヤ、東京

- C. トリアノウスキー、ヨーロッパ

Have you ever experienced "storms of negative emotions" so strong they seem to consume you in a way that you feel helpless and that the only way out is to wait until they blow over? …one week of EMF Sessions and my balance was restored. Of all the Work I’ve done over the years, EMF was the most profound.

I had been a long term volunteer for the Kryon Team Japan when I attended a UCL workshop taught by Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of the EMF Balancing Technique. Attending Peggy’s UCL workshop touched me deeply, shifting me energetically and expanding my consciousness.

In 2005 I became an Accredited Practitioner, Master in Practice and a joyful and blessed EMF Supervisory Teacher. Because of the empowering effects that the EMF Balancing Technique has on my clients and me, I am honored to share this unique & sacred transformational work around the world.

I teach the EMF Balancing Technique by appointments (min. 3 persons) as well as posted schedule. I am honored to accept invitations worldwide to teach and I am also available for speaking engagements.

Looking forward to helping you in your personal growth to build healthy, joyful relationships and lifestyles I offer a nurturing learning environment; teach with integrity, compassion, harmony and all that I can be and provide ongoing support during and after your training is completed.

As an Accredited Practitioner, I also provide private sessions. I honor the place in you where the entire universe dwells. The place in you that is of love, of light, of peace and of truth. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me….. We are one - Namaste !


"Mimma you helped my husband a great deal with EMF to overcome the problem he was facing with cancer and I got rid of all that stress and could face the future positively and was able to make clear decisions after your sessions."
- Sh & E. Nadaya Tokyo

"I was never able to relax and get my act together. After 3 sessions, I started meditating first time with my two little kids."
- C. Tryanowski Europe

Telegram: GrowYounger Mimma