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The Hawai’ian and The Phoenix

Kahuna Ali’i Wahine Kaleiiliahi and Peggy Phoenix Dubro

A time of power…two modern day High Priestesses from an ancient time, sisters from Lemuria, together again after thousands of years! They join their sacred gifts and their sacred mana (Divine Energy), the energies of the two, to create the energy of the three… Wisdom, Compassion, and Infinite Love.

In ceremony Kalei’iliahi and Peggy Phoenix will invite you, heart to heart, into a remembrance of your sacredness, taking you to a place within called “Home”...where you will know your perfection. A place where nothing of this world can touch you, where you know you are loved beyond measure. Through the combined healing energies of Kalei’iliahi and Peggy Phoenix, you are offered a gift – the opportunity to take the healing of your life to a new level.

It is your turn and your time, for this lifetime is your grandest of all! It is the one you have chosen and waited for… where you will indeed stand tall in your Magnificence…claim it and live it, Infinite One!

Kahuna Ali’i Wahine Kaleiiliahi is a kanaka maoli (aboriginal) of Hawai’i . She was born and raised in the lush Kalihi Valley on the island of O’ahu. Her ancestral roots trace all the way back to the stars, to the Makali’i (the Pleiades), to Papa (Earth Mother) and Wakea (Sky Father) and down a long line of Kahuna Ali’i Wahine and Kahuna Ali’i Kane (Royal High Chief Priests and Royal High Chiefess Priestesses). Kahuna Kaleiiliahi’s family God is Lono, God of Peace (also of Fertility, Abundance and Agriculture). Lono is uncle to Goddess Pele of whom she is a descendent. She is the reason for their existence and honors her ‘Aumakua (Ancestral Spirits) by using the multiple gifts they blessed her with, in service ‘Io Kapu Nui (Most Sacred Creator) and to Humanity.

Kahuna Kaleiiliahi is a Spiritual Intuitive/Healer, a Wisdom Keeper, Visionary Artist, Keeper of the Lemurian Truths, a seer, medium, metaphysician, and channel for some of the most beautiful Holy Beings,…to name some of the blessings she carries from her grand lineage. She has worked with people worldwide in these areas, helping these precious Humans to awaken to their divinity, to shine their light and heal their lives…to become empowered and enlightened. Her specialty as a Spiritual Intuitive/Healer is clearing the blocks.

While the artist has some formal training, her gift is innate and she is mostly self-taught, channeling most of her work. Her lifelong communion with the nature spirits, the elementals, the divas of the plant and mineral kingdoms has allowed her to “see” them and put them into her creations. While graphite pencil is still her favorite medium, she works in prismacolors and watercolors/inks as well. Kaleiiliahi is deeply connected to her people and her culture as well and has chosen to depict them in many of her recent pieces, thereby honoring them. She will continue to portray them in many different forms as they inspire her.

After living in America for years it was finally time to “come home” to Hawai’i nei…were she has returned to do her work. Kahuna Kaleiiliahi’s ancestors come from the Kona and Puna districts of the Big Island of Hawaii where she now resides. She is available for Spiritual Readings, to visit Sacred Sites and to share the ways of her people…bringing to you her deep aloha and sacred mana (Divine Energy).

Peggy Phoenix Dubro is a distinguished international speaker and teacher whose diverse talents have gained her a worldwide presence in the arena of “new thinking”. She has 36 years of experience working with the human energy anatomy and is a leader in the field of energy balancing. Co-founder with her husband in 1995 of The Energy Extension, Inc., Peggy and Steve have teamed up to create cutting edge technology in the field of energy balancing that is both fun and deeply transformational. Their work is practiced and taught in more than 70 countries around the world.

“Peggy Phoenix Dubro has a gift. She has “quantum sight.” This means that with your permission, she can look at your energy, no matter how far away you are, and can “reflect back” the quantum energy within you…much of which you have never seen. Her sessions are the result of 20 years working with the quantum energies within the Lattice, the sphere of co creation that surrounds you, a profound matrix of quantum design that all Humans have. Who better to read and work with this part of your being than the one who has created and stewarded this Lattice work for almost a generation. She has the experience!” Lee Carroll/Kryon

Class Schedule & Registration


  The Hawai’ian and The Phoenix
Cancun, Mexico December 11

View Peggy Phoenix Dubro’s Detailed Schedule »

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Sessions with Peggy Phoenix Dubro

The Waves


The Honeymoon Effect!

Living in Infinite Love

Everyday Energetics Institute